VIDEO: 3 Pups Belonging to California’s Only Known Wolf Pack Caught on Camera

SnowBrains |

California’s only known wolf pack has at least three new pups, according to a report by the state Department of Fish and Wildlife. Trail cameras in Lassen County recorded the pups, as well as two or three adult wolves, in June.

This remote video capture shows a female adult, a yearling, and three pups walking through coniferous woods in Lassen County. At 1:00, the pups can be heard yipping and then howling.

On December 28, 2011, a single grey wolf with a radio collar crossed the Oregon/California border into California history, according to KQED. Named OR-7, the beast was the first confirmed grey wolf in the state since 1924, when the last one known in California was trapped and killed in Lassen County. OR-7 became famous — and for some, notorious — as people debated what the return of the predators would mean for agriculture.

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One thought on “VIDEO: 3 Pups Belonging to California’s Only Known Wolf Pack Caught on Camera

  1. Some rancher is watching this and cleaning his rifle. So sad. If you want to graze cattle on open range then hire someone to stay with them to protect them . Don’t kill the wildlife in the area.

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