VIDEO: Skiing In Lake Tahoe, CA on August 7th

Bevan Waite | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report

August 7th 2017 was a good day.  We hiked up to Round Top on Sunday, the day before the 7th, leaving our skis behind due to frequent thunder storms rolling through the area.  Once at the lake we were surprised to see so much snow on the Sisters.  There were a few lines that made me drool and wish I had brought my skis.. so naturally I was easily convinced by my friend to take Monday off and go ski these lines.

We got an earlier start on Monday and were racing the weather all day.  It called for thunderstorms in the afternoon, so we hurried up to Round Top Lake, ate a quick bite, then hiked up the saddle between the Sisters and Round Top.  We ended up skiing three pretty rad lines that day and were more than impressed with the quality of skiing we were doing in August!  Anyway, here’s what it looked like..

Poto Tour:

Hiking up


First view of the line
Resting at the Round Top Lake. Second view of the line.
To summer ski line #1!
To summer ski line #2!
Enjoying the view up top.
Our tracks.
On our way out. What a great day.


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5 thoughts on “VIDEO: Skiing In Lake Tahoe, CA on August 7th

  1. planning a family vacation. So in August you get the best of both worlds. summer things to do, swim, etc. plus ski. Am I thinking correctly.

    What is video skiing. I am the grandfather so forgive my ignorance.

    My wife and I don’t downhill ski, although I cross country. We would think about December , but what about my wife and i. Group of 16

    1. Nope, actually its Round Top Lake. Winnemucca is a bigger lake directly underneath Round Top. Round Top lake is the smaller lake in the loop that sits directly underneath the Sisters and the line pictured in the post. Thanks for your input though…

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