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With nearly 16 feet of snow so far this season, Keystone announced yesterday that it will extend the season by one week to Easter Sunday, April 16. Following the third snowiest December in Keystone’s history with 81 inches or nearly seven feet, the resort has already received another 81 inches of snow this month alone with a week still remaining before February arrives. This marks the first time in resort history that Keystone has received 80 inches or more of snow in back-to-back months.
“The record breaking snow seemingly has not stopped falling the past two months,” said Mike Goar, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Keystone Resort. “We’ve received more than 13 feet of snow in December and January, the second highest combined total ever for those two months. With such an impressive and historic amount of snowfall at Keystone, we are delighted to extend our season through Easter.”
- Keystone’s snowiest winter season in more than 10 years
- Resort recorded third snowiest December in history
- With a week remaining in January, resort has recorded back-to-back months of 80 inches or more.
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