Puerto Escondido, Mexico (Mexican Pipeline) is a legendary place for enormous, tubing waves. The best big wave surfers swarm to the place when big swells roll in.
This past May, Puerto got huge and Tom Lowe of Cornwall, England was there see it. Tom did more than just see it, though. He took this vicious free-fall wipeout and put himself into legendary wipeout status.
This video is already an entry for the “Wipeout of the Year” of the 2016 WSL Big Wave Awards and most likely, it’ll win. There isn’t really any topping this wipeout. This is about as bad as it could possibly go.
“Tom Lowe (Cornwall, England) at Puerto Escondido, Mexico on May 3, 2015. Video by Alexey Orlov/Go Big. An entry in the TAG Heuer Wipeout of the Year category of the 2016 WSL Big Wave Awards.” – WSL Big Wave Awards