Trip Report: The Incredible Hulk, CA – “Hulk Left Couloir”

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The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains

Report from June 4, 2023

Brought to you by Mono County Tourism

The Incredible Hulk.

Just the name draws you in…

Who wouldn’t wanna ski The Incredible Hulk!?

We’ve wanted to ski this gem for a long long time.

This is one of the very best chutes in the Sierra Nevada.

Over 45º steep in spots.

I’m not gonna lie – on the way up I was simultaneously in the pain & fear caves…

The snow on the way down was picture perfect.

This was a day we’ll never forget.

11,520′ Incredible Hulk, CA – “Hulk Couloir Left” Details

  • Summit (actually a ridge line):  11,200′
  • Car:  7,000′
  • Vertical From Car:  4,200′
  • Vertical skied:  1,500′ in chute – 3,000′ total
  • Max Pitch:  45+º 
  • Avg Pitch: 40º 
  • Aspect:  Northwest
  • Distance:  11.5-miles round trip 
  • Time From Car to Top:  5 hours & 30 mins
  • Car to Car Time: 8 hours & 30 mins
  • Recommended Equipment:  Crampons, 2 Ice Axes, Skins, Ski Crampons
  • Note:  Follow the directions closely in “Backcountry Skiing California’s Eastern Sierra” book to hit creek crossing correctly
Sawtooth Ridge. image: snowbrains

First of all, let me vent a little frustration about the ski line names in the Sierra.

You have a mountain called “The Incredible Hulk” and you then could only muster the creativity to name the wicked, consequential chutes on either side of it “Left” and “Right” chutes?

C’mon, man…

Leesure skiing Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains

Why not “Superman” & “Green Lantern” couloirs?

“The Joker” & “Lex Luther”?

You could even branch out and call them “James Bond” & Octopussy”!

Anyway, I digress.

We started the day hiking from the RV park at the end of Twin Lakes at 8 am.

Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains

The six of us told each other stories and lies down the meandering, swampy trail for approximately one hour before we got to the left turn into the canyon that holds “The Incredible Hulk.”

There’s a creek crossing there and our group dynamic instantly helped us miss the turn, argue about what to do next, and wander around looking for a crossing.

After 30 minutes wasted, we found the correct trail and crossing.

Trevor and Hulk. image: snowbrains

The crossing was a bit sketchy, but very doable and no one got wet.

Creeks, rivers, and streams are raging in the Sierra right now after the record snowfall winter.

After the creek crossing we scrambled up cliffs and pine needles to the start of the snow.

The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains

Had we not gotten lost, it would have been 1.5 hours of dirt walking to get to snow.

At the snow we donned skis and skins and started up canyon.

The travel was easy right to the base of the Hulk.

Dwanis cross. image: snowbrains

Note: this entire zone is spectacularly gorgeous.

All of it.

Twin Lakes, the trail in, the Hulk’s canyon, all of it.

Leesure. image: snowbrains

We were able to skin right to the base of “Hulk Couloir Left.”

Crampons and ski poles for the start of the steep couloir.

About 1/4 of the way up the chute steepened and we swapped out one ski pole for one ice axe.

Green on green. image: snowbrains

Not much further on as the chute steepened further and became more firm, I grabbed my second ice axe.

I went first and putting in the booter was scary.

For much of the chute, I was two-tooling and front-pointing more than I’d liked to have had. 

Kettle Peak. image: snowbrains

I eventually made it to the top after about 1.5 hours in the chute.

My time from car to summit was 5 hours and 30 minutes.

It was approximately 1:30 pm.

In deep. image: snowbrains

Lee & Trevor were right behind me.

The evening shadows were already creeping across the chute.

Our fear was that those shadows were going to firm up the steep snow making both climbing and skiing through those zones more dangerous.

The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains

We didn’t hang out on top.

We transitioned to skis with fear in our eyes.

Thunderclouds were also threatening to eliminate any sunshine for the rest of the day.

Miles with the in chute stoke. image: snowbrains

As per usual, attaching skis to our feet perceptually lessened the steepness of the chute by about 10º.

We were comfy again.

Greggy hit the ridge just as Lee dropped in.

Lee. image: snowbrains

Lee informed Dwanis and Martin that they should turn around where they were.

I dropped shortly after Lee hoping to absorb the last direct solar photons of the day.

It just worked…

Big yellows. image: snowbrains

Martin & Dwanis hugged the skier’s left wall as I sprayed down.

I was able to ski the chute top to bottom without stopping due to the snow being so damn perfect.

The snow was a touch firm up top, but still good, then it became A+, 5-star corn.

So damn good! image: snowbrains

We were ripping down this 45+º chute like it was nothing!

Had it been firm, we’d have been shaking lab rats…

What a dream come true.

Dwanis swim in Twin Lakes. image: snowbrains

After Lee & I hit the base of the chute we posted up and watched everyone else through.

Martin continued to the top.

Dwanis transitioned where he was.

Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains

All skied it like rock stars.

The very base of the chute was nearly melted out.

We had to sidestep and shimmy through the rocks for about 50 yards before opening it back up on the apron below the chute.

South vista. image: snowbrains

We regrouped, pole-tapped, exchanged stoke and compliments, and continued downhill under a rolling blanket of gray and occasional flinch-inducing thunderclaps.

No energy was required to get back to where we’d left our shoes.

Shoes on, we meandered down sometimes finding, sometimes losing the “trail”.

About to drop. image: snowbrains

Reversing the stream crossing was uneventful.

Oh, wait, Martin did drop a ski pole.

It floated and Greggy and I valiantly rescued it from the clutches of oblivion.

Trevor, Lee, Hulk. image: snowbrains

The one hour stroll home was littered with myriad flowers and smooth as silk “Butt Wipe Plants” (Mule Ears).

We arrived back at our cars on the lake 8 hours and 30 minutes after we’d left them.

We packed up and started driving toward Bridgeport for Jolly Cone burgers, fries, and ice cream.

Gorgeous zone. image: snowbrains

As we drove along the lakeshore it hit me that we needed to swim!

I yanked the car over and we all piled out and into the lake.

The water was icy but we were still heated from the hike home.

Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains

It was the rush of the day.

Dopamine was increased.

With clean skin and shit-eating smiles we drove through Bridgeport’s spectacular, cow-filled meadows.

Jolly Kone was spot on.

Perfection. image: snowbrains

Ice cream, bacon burgers, fries.

The drive home was easy ridin’.

Yesterday was a dream come true.

Thanks, California!



Sawtooth Ridge and meadows. image: snowbrains
First steps. image: snowbrains
Dirt walkin’. image: snowbrains
Greenery. image: snowbrains
1st crossing of the day. image: snowbrains
Red boots. image: snowbrains
Flowers. image: snowbrains
Gorgeous zone. image: snowbrains
The big creek crossing. image: snowbrains
Martin lacing it. image: snowbrains
Greggy with the Russian Lunge Step. image: snowbrains
Headwall of this canyon is sick. image: snowbrains
Lee leading the charge. image: snowbrains
Big avy debris. image: snowbrains
Avalanche evidence. image: snowbrains
Terrain. image: snowbrains
The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
Kettle Peak’s East Couloir. image: snowbrains
Trevor and Hulk. image: snowbrains
The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
Headwall. image: snowbrains
The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
Kettle Peak. image: snowbrains
Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
North wall of the Left Couloir of Hulk. image: snowbrains
Headwall. image: snowbrains
The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
South vista. image: snowbrains
Greggy in Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
Lee skiing Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
Leesure. image: snowbrains
Trevor ripping Left Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
Trevor in theLeft Couloir of The Incredible Hulk. image: snowbrains
Lee & the Hulk. image: snowbrains
Hulk. image: snowbrains
Kettle Peak East Couloir. image: snowbrains
Dwanis on the grind home. image: snowbrains
Greggy heads home. image: snowbrains
Dwanis and Greggy owning it. image: snowbrains
Greggy cross. image: snowbrains
Rest break after the last crux: The Crossing… image: snowbrains
Martin down. image: snowbrains
Crowded zone… image: snowbrains
“Butt Wipe Plants” or “Mule Ears”. image: snowbrains
White flowers. image: snowbrains
Juniperous Occidentalis berries. image: snowbrains
Trail home. image: snowbrains
Flies pollenate flowers. image: snowbrains
Mini flowers. image: snowbrains
Trail. image: snowbrains
Purple flowers. image: snowbrains
Big yellows. image: snowbrains
Dwanis on a HUGE avalanche debris pile. This blew our minds… image: snowbrains
Avy debris. image: snowbrains
Tiny flowers. image: snowbrains
Avalanche destructions. image: snowbrains
An avalnache put this rock here. image: snowbrains
Super small flowers. image: snowbrains
Dogger! image: snowbrains
Last steps. image: snowbrains
Green on green. image: snowbrains
Da bears! image: snowbrains
Apres ski explosion. image: snowbrains
Dwanis swims. image: snowbrains
Jolly Kone stoke. image: snowbrains
This burger and fries was so good. image: snowbrains
Chillin’ & chilly at Jolly Kone in Bridgeport. image: snowbrains
Headed home vistas of Dunderberg and Green Creek Chute. image: snowbrains
Mono Lake. image: snowbrains
Bloody Mountain. image: snowbrains
Apres ski. image: snowbrains

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One thought on “Trip Report: The Incredible Hulk, CA – “Hulk Left Couloir”

  1. I really enjoyed the photos and story. I’m embarrassed, I grew up in Bridgeport and loved skiing as a kid. Me and my unadventurous friends drove to Mammoth and June. I didn’t know that could be done. Great adventure guys!

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