Top 5 Deepest Snowpacks in The Pacific Northwest Right Now:

SwellBrains |
The Pacific Northwest from Space.
The Pacific Northwest from Space.

The Pacific Northwest is having a bit of a funky year with some cold, some warm, some snow, and some rain.  Even with the funkiness, they’re doing pretty damned good in the snow department with some of the deepest snowpacks in the USA, as per usual.

These snow totals are taken from mid-mountain from the ski resort’s websites.


Mt. Bachelor on Dec. 30th, 2014.
Mt. Bachelor on Dec. 30th, 2014.

#1 = Mt. Bachelor, OR – 72″

Mt. Baker over the Holiday.  photo:  Colin Wiseman/Frequency
Mt. Baker over the Holiday. photo: Colin Wiseman/Frequency

#2 = Mt. Baker, WA – 62″

Mt. Hood Meadows on January 2nd, 2014.  photo:  mt. hood meadows
Mt. Hood Meadows on January 2nd, 2014. photo: mt. hood meadows

#3 = Mt. Hood Meadows, OR -58″

Stock photo of Anthony Lakes Ski Resort.
Stock photo of Anthony Lakes Ski Resort.

#4 = Anthony Lakes, OR – 49″

Timberline Lodge on New Years Day 2015.
Timberline Lodge on New Years Day 2015.

#5 = Timberline Lodge, OR – 44″

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