Report from 11/2/22
On Wednesday, we had guide training in the skate park here in Ushuaia at 10 am.
We went over four different scenarios where folks had fallen into crevasses and how we’d get them out in the safest, fastest ways using the largest number of human resources that we have when we’re in Argentina (26 guides on this trip).
We are all off to Antarctica with Ice Axe Expeditions in the Ocean Adventurer boat on Saturday!
As soon as that was done, the owner of Pulseline Adventures, Gabe Monroe, and I grabbed empanadas and chocolate and ran up to the Martial Glacier area here in town.
We banged a hard right at the top of the defunct chairlift and traversed over to Godoy.
We were on a tight schedule as we had to be back to a formal meet & greet dinner at 6.
We traversed to the base of the chute and started up.
I’d skied this chute twice before and was sure that this was the right chute…
We booted and struggled up in the soft, corn snow and reached the top after about an hour.
No, it wasn’t the right chute…
I could see the Godoy Central Couloir that I wanted to ski off the north.
The good thing was, the chute we were in was pretty rad.
It was tight.
We zipped down in perfect corn snow and were fired up at the bottom.
We scratched and clawed our way across snow, rock, dirt, grass, and tundra back to the trail and slogged down a taxi and home.
We were only a little late for dinner…
C’mon Miles!! You’re not Superman or are you????