The legendary Chimney at Squaw Valley, USA opened for the first and likely the last time of the season yesterday. Not many were on hand to hit it, but those who where there to witness it, got a helluva show.
Posted by Eric Bryant on Thursday, April 9, 2015
Video of Andy Hays and Eric Bryant stomping The Chimney Sweep yesterday.
The cornice drop in was sizable, the ramp was damn fast and the air out was certainly larger than normal. Scott Gaffney dropped first and had a major binding malfunction upon impact. The rest of the boys all stomped the Chimney Sweep landing and were able to cut hard right before the evil traverse tracks.
Josh A. sent The Loft, landed it and squirreled his way straight down the rumbling traverse tracks and didn’t explode.
Figured I would crank my toe piece DINs to 2 and drop into the Chimney Sweep to see what would happen. We can use a little humor today.
Posted by Scott Gaffney on Thursday, April 9, 2015
Video of Scott Gaffney blowing up in The Chimney Sweep yesterday.
The Chimney was open for all of about 10 minutes and a lot went down.
Thanks a ton to Robb Gaffney for the great images. Thanks to Squaw Patrol for opening the Chimney. You guys rock.
A good craftsman never blames his tools.
Its the users responsibilty to make sure their equipment is inspected and functioning properly.
No more excuses.
Balls though for dropping first
Blow ups happen, even to the best
Learn from it
No video in the piece
please fix the video Miles