Brought to you by 10 Barrel Brewing
Report from Thanksgiving Day 2020
There aren’t many days in the Tetons where it snows 6″ and the avalanche danger is rated as “Low”.
Today was one of those days.
I ran out the door at the crack of 10:30 am and was hiking shortly thereafter.
The new snow was dry and the old snow underneath was firm and supportable making for good skinning and boot-packing.
The higher elevations (~10,000′) skied well with dry snow and not much bottom.
Lower down I was mostly hitting bottom on every turn but it was still fun.
Actually, it was damn fun for November…
Coverage is decent for this time of year but we could use some more snow but there isn’t anything in the forecast.
Avalanche Forecast:
hey miles, i was up the bootpack at the same time. good turns! if you are around this winter, let’s get after it
Backcountry? You are clearly going past several snow guns.
Those aren’t snow guns—they’re for avalanche control.