Report from January 14th thru 17th, 2023
Oh man, is it good to be back to skiing in the Tetons! We love it here.
Best of all, the conditions right now are straight-up marvelous for skiing or snowboarding. And winter stoke is high.
Luckily, we touched down at Old Man Winter’s Teton playground just ahead of a snowy several-day domino effect which trickled a couple of inches here or a few more there before culminating in a downright delicious near-foot of powder snow to refresh the week–and the soul.
When the cloud was in, the skiing and snowboarding were at their most wild-west-classic. Picture steel sky, punchy wind, and “yes, please” cushion turns through wispy veils. We couldn’t have hoped for a better white carpet to welcome us home to the Tetons.
To be clear, the specie of snow we’re talking about is not Cold Smoke but rather a semi-compact, velveteen stuff that transforms normally daunting terrain into more manageable lines. And no joke, it whispers like actual cloth while you’re knifing turns.
To better suss out the lay of the snowpack, our first targets were low-angle tree zones which rewarded us with alleyways of wind-plumped accumulation.
Feeling the ‘amp’ rising with each dip-and-roll, we stretched into wider spaces where the pitch and resulting speed had us grinning from ear to ear.
All in all, northerly aspects trumped their south-facing brethren. The regular fresh falls and wind action added a welcome light top-up to surface snow.
Then the clouds parted, revealing a bright sun (which we hear has been somewhat elusive, generally), but today it did the good work of brightening a consistent, super rip-able snowpack.
And make no mistake, the west is still the best when it comes to debriefs at golden hour; stunning, to put it mildly.
Bottomline, the Teton Mountains are looking lovely and calling to you.