Tahoe Pyramid Trail Nears Completion | Soon You’ll be Able to Run, Bike, Hike from Lake Tahoe, CA to Reno, NV

SnowBrains |
tahoe pyramid trail, Reno, tahoe
Trail Map. Credit: TPT

The final touches are being put in on the Tahoe-Pyramid Trail (TPT), with expected completion happening around mid-August, which will enable you to bike, hike, run, or whatever you want all the way from Lake Tahoe to Reno. The last remaining work is on the part-paved, part-dirt path running adjacent to the Truckee River and parts of I-80 which will ultimately extend from Tahoe to Pyramid Lake in Nevada. Only three sections remain until the entire TPT can celebrate complete connectivity, and less than half a mile before Reno-to-Tahoe is walkable and bikeable.

“This’ll be a huge milestone,” said Janet Phillips, president of Tahoe Pyramid Trail, a Reno-based nonprofit. “We’ve been working on this section of the [Truckee River] canyon for five years, and the total project for 15 years. It’s very exciting. It’s just been incrementally getting another section built and another section built, and now we’re down to the last and most difficult piece.”

That’s 15 years and 114 miles spanning two states, five counties, and tribal land, as well as through numerous cities and other census-designated areas, reports Moonshine Ink.

tahoe pyramid trail, Reno, tahoe
The Tahoe Pyramid Trail. Credit: Facebook

The August completion of the California section isn’t the only exciting news related to this trail: Dirt Gypsy Adventures, a shuttle-guide-rental service for mountain bikers and hikers, has just added a shuttle service between Truckee and Verdi for users. It’s likely a completed trail and shuttle service, for better or for worse, will bring more people to the canyon.

“It’s gonna be two shuttles a day,” said Ryan Fowler, owner of Dirt Gypsy Adventures, which is based in Truckee. “Morning and early afternoon picking up at Crystal Peak Park in Verdi, and then dropping off at the Hirschdale trailhead (in Truckee).”

The other two remaining sections before the entire trail is complete lie east of Reno and Sparks. The 3-mile connection from Vista Boulevard to Mustang is currently hampered by the railroad, landowners, and Storey County; and the 20 miles from USA Parkway to Wadsworth remains to-be-decided on how the trail might look to Derby Dam and requires cooperation with private landowners from the dam to Wadsworth.

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