Sugar Bowl, California and 80 Years of Ski Culture

Dan Scheibelein | | Post Tag for Industry NewsIndustry News

Sugar Bowl, Lake Tahoe

As a former Alta employee (showing up the 76th year) and a current Tahoe resident I am beyond ecstatic to have the opportunity to inform most if not all SnowBrains’ readers that this is Sugar Bowl’s 80th year in operation. Originally purchased for $10 per acre from the Southern Pacific Railroad by investors in 1923 along with the dreams of Hannes Scholl and the original lift designed by Henry Howard Sugar Bowl opened on December 15, 1939. Even with Walt Disney being an original investor, Sugar Bowl saw more visitors then they expected and they even pictured the resort in a Goofy cartoon.

Sugar Bowl Trail Map

With this year’s opening date currently set for November 29, you can bet all the long-time visitors are getting excited. Sugar Bowl is known for having some of the best terrain for anyone especially the advanced rider. From the ‘Palisades’ to the ‘Sisters’ this resort has some of the most iconic skiing in history and is one of the first in the state of California.

Old Sugar Bowl Ski Racer Photo

Along with being solidified in ski resort history, Sugar Bowl has the stats to go against some of the modern-day giants. Sugar Bowl is not for the faint of heart since they only have 15% beginner terrain and have a 1500 foot drop in elevation. Add in a 500-inch average annual snowfall and an updated snowmaking system for the upcoming season Sugar Bowl is geared up for this winter. Besides some updates to snowmaking; Sugar Bowl has also updated its websites, added more buses to their shuttle fleet, bringing a top to bottom terrain park and bringing back a little retro feel with a 13-foot mini pipe.

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