Su Yiming, a 17-year-old representing China in the World Cup, established himself as a powerhouse snowboarder in Steamboat on December 4th. Not only was Su the first person ever from China to win this event, but he was also one of the youngest competitors in the entire big air competition. Su received a 155.25 in the big air competition for crushing a pair of 1800s – dominating this competition with his skill execution. He scored an entire 15.75 points higher than Clemens Millauer—the 2nd place winner.
After his victory, Su took to Instagram to pay respects to his family, friends, sponsors, and coaches:
Although this was Su’s first World Cup appearance, it will definitely not be his last. Su has only been training with China’s National Team for three years, and the fact that he is already able to compete with veteran borders and competitors who are so much more experienced shows that he is a force to be reckoned with. Burton agrees, saying that “Su Yiming’s riding is evolving faster than an internet algorithm.” It will be exciting to watch him tackle the 2022 Beijing Olympics in February. Come Olympics time, Su will have the advantage of competing in his home territory. NBC Sports is also hyping up Beijing – saying that the jump for big air is one of the best jumps ever created. With more practice and the home-field advantage, we here at Snow Brains are eagerly waiting to see what he has in store.
Stay updated on how Su is training for the Olympics on his Instagram: @mingsuyi
Watch his World Cup highlights
World Cup Big Air official results