At 6:30am on Wednesday morning, Squaw Valley reported receiving 4″ of snow. At 7:30am they updated their reporting to 2″ noting, “We jumped the gun…” Surprisingly enough, Squaw had not actually jumped the gun. It skied like 5″ and was one hell of a day!
The morning was best. While in line at the Funi eager crowd members shared rumors that both Siberia and Emigrant would be on maintenance hold for some reason. I didn’t know what to expect, but Squaw Valley Patrol did a great job of getting terrain open right around 9am.
When we got to the top of the Funi, Sibo and Emigrant weren’t open so we headed to Shirly but saw that the lifts opened right as we dropped over to Shirley lake. Luckily hardly anybody was out!
We headed to Sibo, got an untracked run to Emmigrant and rode to the top of Squaw pleasantly finding that Granite had opened! We nailed it with Granite opening… And that was it, Granite was the all we skied the rest of the day. Its like a playground back there… with tons of flat landings -_- …