Squaw Valley, CA Report: 12-20″ Powder Day | Fingers + Upper Mountain

Miles Clark | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report
Miles. image: jamie blair

Squaw Valley, CA reported 12-20″ of new snow yesterday morning.

We got up KT-22 early and the Fingers were fun albeit scratchy.

You could still feel the hard bottom in places on the lower mountain so after a few laps we ventured up top.

Up top, there was no bottom.

Granite Chief peak was lovely.

Granite Chief was very filled in and made for jumping.

The Fingers. image: snowbrains

Broken Arrow was deep.

We were amping…

We skied hard until 2pm and called it a day.

What a crazy fun day.

Billly on Broken Arrow. image: snowbrains


image: squaw


Forecast for Squaw at 7,300′. image: noaa


Josh A backy. image: snowbrains
Skittles on the Fingers. image: snowbrains
Jamie. image: dave bluestien
KT-22. image: snowbrains
Miles. image: jamie blair
Noonnan and the KT line. image: snowbrains
KT-22. image: snowbrains
Tram Rock. image: snowbrains
Headwall. image: snowbrains
Alan in Patrol Chute on Granite. image: snowbrains
Broken Arrow. image: snowbrains
Granite Chief Peak. image: snowbrains
KT-22. image: snowbrains

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