“I don’t know what to say — the Whitespace snowboards are officially sold out,” White says in a video posted to Instagram on May 23rd, thanking his supporters for a great first season.
Cleverly debuting the first Whitespace board during his final Olympics in Beijing, White capitalized on the festering hype during the 22/23 season by kicking off the company’s boards. Five months later and the brand is celebrating selling all of its inventory for year one — a surefire mark of success.
Shaun White continues with heartfelt messages in the video, and shares an anecdote of the first time he saw one of his boards ‘in the wild.’ “It was a little girl getting off the chairlift,” he tells, “and my heart like sank, I was so excited, and I had all my gear on so she didn’t even know it was me, and I was like, ‘hey, that’s a pretty cool board you got there,’ and she’s like ‘thanks,’” he shrugs when he says this, implying the girl knew it was a cool board.
He laughs at the girl’s attitude, and says, “can I get a high five?” to the girl, to which she smirks and says “sure.” Shaun gives another great laugh at the memory before concluding, “it was epic.”
The video continues with him going into more detail about what’s to come for Whitespace the following season. White states the company has switched factories which he’s excited for, and to celebrate their success the company will be releasing a series of limited color ways for the next season. Boards will be up for presale on the Whitespace website so riders can get them just before the season.