Robb Gaffney, one of them most accomplished skiers to grace the slopes of Squaw Valley resigned today from being a skiing ambassador for Squaw Valley after 20 years of ambassadorship. Robb sites Squaw Valley’s new direction as the cause for his resignation stating that he is “not comfortable being linked to an organization and a process that fundamentally disturbs me at several levels.”
Squaw Valley came out yesterday against the creation of Olympic (Squaw) Valley as a city. Residents of Olympic Valley are rallying to create a city to allow themselves to have a say in how their region grows.
Gut Instinct
After much consideration, I have resigned my position as a skiing “ambassador” of Squaw Valley. I have represented Squaw for 20 years and have thoroughly enjoyed the mountain and the camaraderie of a community energized by a shared passion for skiing, snowboarding and the outdoors. As we all know, Squaw is going through significant changes and the driving forces behind these changes have shifted the local climate in a direction that is uncomfortable for me. With all change comes tension and I welcome tension when it brings us to new and better places. But I don’t trust that this tension, at least at this time, is headed in a positive direction. I am not opposed to change, I am not anti-development, and I recognize that Squaw needs drastic updating and improvement. However, I am not comfortable being linked to an organization and a process that fundamentally disturbs me at several levels. Now that doesn’t mean I disagree with everything that has gone on in the last 3 years. I have a lot of hope and belief that the greater process will work out in Olympic Valley’s favor. But for now, as a service to my sport and as a representative of all who love sliding on snow, I am releasing any binds that could prevent me from thinking, speaking, or acting independently.
Robb Gaffney
About Robb Gaffney:
Robb Gaffney M.D. began studying the slopes of Squaw Valley when he was in college. He has skied Squaw for 20 years and is the author ofSquallywood – A Guide to Squaw Valley’s Most Exposed Lines.
Squallywood documents over 150 of the most technical ski/snowboard lines at Squaw Valley. Coined “the Squaw Valley bible,” it is largely recognized as the best ski resort guide ever written.
In fact, it’s so popular, the bible book has been turned into a real life action thriller with Gaffney’s ski-the-book clinics. The Squallywood Clinics provide hard-core skiers and riders with the opportunity to ski the book with the guy who wrote the book. Robb has created two different clinics to match ski levels: Squallywood Clinic Light and Squallywood Clinic Supersized.
Robb has been a featured skier in over 10 ski films including those of Matchstick Productions, Scott Gaffney Pictures and Omen Productions. He currently practices Psychiatry near the base of Squaw Valley. Anyone who has had the privilege of watching the doctor ski can attest to his remarkable ability to make the sketchiest, most unthinkable lines look as if they were put there for us to ski.
“Robb is the most talented, top level pro skier in the world that didn’t become a pro skier,” states professional ski icon, Shane McConkey. “He has skied every possible line at Squaw many times; [Robb] knows the mountain better than anyone except maybe his brother. He’s not only a tremendous athlete, he also has an MD in psychiatry – so he’s smart too.”
One word, Integrity….
too bad other wanna bees that write letters to local newspapers in support of corporate greed, you know who you are, don’t follow suit
Dr. Robb, you were my hero, now you are my heroer ! (for you Jon)
Thanks for standing, speaking up and trying to save the valley!
A truly sad day and a major loss for Squaw Valley, but a day to be proud as a skier. A strong willed decision to be commended Robb, see you out on the slopes.
“…to have a say in how there region grows.” Sweet lord, you guys seriously need a copy editor. Every single article has at least one glaring typo.
Sorry about that Jon, my bad. Fixing it now. Thanks.
I totally support what Robb is trying to accomplish for Olympic Valley. I live near Tahoe City.