Patagonia, a leader in outdoor clothing, is letting people know what they think and what you should do. They want you to “vote the assholes out”. Their message of activism aims to remove politicians that deny climate change. The only way to do that is by voting and Patagonia is making sure you know.
“It refers to politicians from any party who deny or disregard the climate crisis and ignore science, not because they aren’t aware of it, but because their pockets are lined with money from oil and gas interests.”
– Tessa Byars, Patagonia Spokesperson
The tags are attached to their 2020 line of Road to Regenerative™ Standup Shorts, which are currently sold out. Yvon Chouinard, Patagonia’s founder has been saying the phrase for several years now. Chouinard believes that it is important to keep our planet healthy. The best tool that we all have is to vote for those who will protect our planet for or children and grandchildren.
Patagonia, a Company For the Planet
Patagonia has consistently been a company that puts its money behind what it believes in. They dedicate significant amounts of time and money to activism aim at making our planet a better place. In 2002 Chouinard started 1% For the Planet, a non-profit aimed at donating 1% of companies’ profits to improve our environment. In addition, they have been outspoken about federal policies that aim to open protected lands for oil and gas drilling.
If you are an outdoor enthusiast of any kind you should care. If you are a winter outdoor enthusiast you should be scared. Yvon Chouinard says, “Vote for the planet and against those who would do nothing. We have the power and now is the time to use it.” Remember to vote on November 3rd, 2020.
Patagonia is a perfect example of corporate hypocrisy and virtue signaling. If Ol’ Yvon wants to do some good, he might try giving away some of his billion dollar worth to people who really need it. Instead, he markets stupendously overpriced products to well-off consumers, none of whom have ever seen, let alone really helped, individuals in need. Yvon spends more in fuel for his trips than my whole block does in a year. The 1% in action.
It’s funny when the people pointing out assholes turn into assholes. This is going to be a fun couple of months.
I am going to buying myself and my family some Patagonia clothes before winter just because of this. Good for them!!!! It’s time we vote idiots out of office and only have politicians in office that represent our interests and those that are best for our town, cities, and our one and only planet.
Hasn’t the climate always been changing?? Guess no more overpriced patagucci clothes for me
At least you admit your brains are shit.