Palisades Tahoe, CA Report: Backflips, Hard Falls, KT-22 Powder, & The Wolfpack…

Miles Clark | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report

Report from January 11, 2023

Brought to you by Palisades Tahoe

We showed up early and waited for KT yesterday morning.

Skies were cloudy and snowy.

On our first run KT east was closed so I went west and made the bad decision to follow Bevan in the Alternate Chutes, which always slide, and they had slid…

I skied a lot of bed surface and avy debris but also got in some powder turns.

The snow was heavy…

I’ve been in the Rockies too much lately because all the locals were stoked on the snow quality and I was kinda struggling…

The Fingers. image: snowbrains

2nd run I got into the Oly Lady zone and the snow was much better and I was hooting!

3rd run I went for Tom’s Tumble and got tossed!

Hardest crash of the year…

KT-22. image: snowbrains

I thought the skier’s left of Tom’s would be a neat option but it was just ice/avalanche bed surface and I made all the wrong decisions.

I took a hard fall but the only real penalties were a lost ski pole and a sore neck.

I went to my car, got a new set of poles, lost the crew I was skiing with and ended up directly in the middle of the Wolfpack…

Fingers charger. image: snowbrains

The Wolfpack is a murder of insane, young skiers some of whom are on the Freeride World Tour and others who are in the TGR and MSP movies…

Lily Bradley, Connery Lundin, Ryan Faye, Trevor Semmens, Tyler Curle, and more.

They hunt for one thing and one thing only.


The Fingers. image: snowbrains

It started right at the top of the run with backflips and 360s off a sketchy jump.

All stomped.

Then we hit a jump I love part way down KT.

KT Bar. image: snowbrains

Big ramp, fall away landing, decent snow.

They threw backies, 360s, and even a 720.

After they all left I needed a minute to summon my courage and I went for the backflip.

Palisades. image: snowbrains

I landed right on my feet and I was pumped!

I then watched as they continued to huck, twist and spin on run #2.

I only observed on this run.

Wildflour is the best food in Palisades Tahoe? image: snowbrains

I then ditched myself and skied a couple of glorious Chute 75 laps with my old buddy Brandon.

I was done a bit after noon and very satisfied.

Thanks, Wolfpack!

Miles crashing hard. image: snowbrains


image: palisades tahoe, 1/11/23


image: noaa, 1/11/23

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