It’s August, and summer proper, which means it’s all downhill to next season… 100 days and counting! But you do still have one option if you still want to hang on to this winter.
Timberline Lodge, OR the country’s only year-round resort, is still providing lift-served terrain for you to shred. Go get it!
MAMMOTH IS 7/7! And it’s daily! Unlike all the other fakers!
Mammoth is 7/7 also
I think the key point here is that Mammoth is OPEN DAILY until AT LEAST JULY 7… KING OF SPRING
Yo stony Tamarack and Dipper chair are both in Nevada you dumbass check your notes. You must be from the Bay
You didn’t even list squaw!
I did, it was just written as SVAM, copied and pasted from my notes! Have written it out in full now… thanks for pointing it out!
This is so incomplete that my eyes hurts.
While I said “access via CA ended 4/21”, that is not 100% correct as gondola and Tamarack lift both start and end in CA. (Even Dipper chair ends in CA). I meant there is no access via CA base where Gunbarrel often has good spring skiing in PM.
For more details, see
You posted “Heavenly, CA – 4/28 (with extra 3-day weekend May 3-5)”. Actually Heavenly will be open Fri/Sat/Sun through May and their last scheduled day will be Memorial Day.
But access via CA ended 4/21 and after 4/28, the only access will be via gondola to ski Tamarack and Dipper chairs