Using their ‘Secret Formula’, which dates back to 1792 and boasts 80% accuracy, the Old Farmer’s Almanac just published their predictions for the upcoming winter in Canada, and it’s good.
The 2020 Old Farmer’s Almanac Canadian Edition has just come out with its chilling prediction for the coming winter: Canadians should prepare for a season full of snow, snow, and more snow. And more snow.
“This winter will be a Game of Snows, as provinces vie to see who has the most flurries, squalls, storms, and good old-fashioned ‘When will it end?’ snowdumps,” says Jack Burnett, managing editor of The Old Farmer’s Almanac.
According to The 2020 Old Farmer’s Almanac Canadian Edition, nearly all of Canada should expect above-average precipitation this winter, much of it falling as snow. No fewer than eight major snowstorms are predicted, including a series of significant snow events from mid- to late January in Atlantic Canada and Southern Ontario.
While parts of Quebec, the southern portions of Alberta, and British Columbia will be spared the worst of the winter snows, they won’t be entirely off the hook: These areas should expect rain, freezing rain, and sleet throughout the season.
BC’s Big Chill
British Columbia may be more wet than white this winter, but it will bear the brunt of winter’s chill, with colder-than-average temperatures that include occasional face-freezing frigidity in January and February.
The Fridge, Not the Freezer
The rest of the country will experience normal-or-better winter temperatures, but Burnett makes it clear that this still means cold:
“We say ‘Not So Cold,’ but this just means that it will be like being in the fridge with the milk for 5 months instead of in the freezer with the ice cream. And the door won’t be opening.”
In some parts of the country, the snows will stretch into spring. Southern Quebec should prepare for snow showers into mid-March, while the Prairies won’t experience winter’s last hurrah until early April.