The NOAA just released its outlook for June 2022. Almost the entire USA is expected to be hotter than average, with either average or below-average precipitation.
The (edited) full discussion is below:
Above-normal temperatures are favored across the southern two-thirds of the CONUS. The largest probabilities (above 60 percent) are forecast for western Texas and New Mexico. Expect equal chances (EC) of below, near, or above-normal temperatures across much of the northern Great Plains, upper Mississippi Valley, and the northern tier of the CONUS. The outlook suggests slightly elevated probabilities of below normal temperatures across western parts of Oregon and Washington along with the Alaska Panhandle in the first half of the month, and EC is forecast for the remainder of Alaska.
Elevated probabilities of below-normal precipitation across much of the central to southern Great Plains, extending westward to parts of the Great Basin, Pacific Northwest, and northern California. The slightly larger probabilities, focused from southern Wyoming southward to the Texas Panhandle, are due to La Niña composites. Since June is typically a dry time of year for southern California and the desert Southwest, EC was forecast for these areas. Above-normal precipitation is slightly favored for Florida and areas along and close to the northern Gulf Coast. For the remainder of the eastern and northern tier of the CONUS and Alaska, a large area of EC was necessary in the June precipitation outlook.