How To: Compete on the Freeride World Tour | by Griffin Post

Daryn Edmunds |

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If you are a TGR fan and have watched their last few movies the name Griffin Post should look familiar to you. Griffin has been scoring bigger and bigger segments with the premier ski movie producers lately along with his frequent travel buddy Todd Ligare. What you might not know about Mr. Post is that he has put in roughly a decade of work on the Freeride World Tour and its predecessor the Freeskiing Wrold Tour to boost his profile and get his shot to film with the big boys. 

Griffin Post skier
Griffin Post

With a Sickbird buckle on his belt and a fist full of podium finishes Griffin was one of only a few Americans chosen to participate in the Freeride World Tour on its inaugural season a few years back. He has been splitting time between FWT events and TGR shoots ever since. I have watched most of Griffins North American competition runs in person and can honestly say that he not only has the skills to win on any given day, but that he also tends to have a better game plan than anyone else on the hill. The only other athlete that is as strong mentally and physically in my book is 2012 and 2013 FTW World Champion Drew Tabke.

A little POV of what it takes to win in Crested Butte.

With all that being said, when Griffin gives you advice it would be a good idea to follow it. For any aspiring young rippers looking to join the FWT or the FWQ (Freeride World Quailifier) you can find just the advice you need in the Powder Magazine article Griffin put together recently.

As a long time competitor on what is now the FWQ I could not agree more with the steps Griffin lays out for getting involved. I especially concur with the Make Friends and Show Up sections. The friends you meet on the tour will be the kind of skiers you want to shred with everyday and you will build a network of relationships that will provide you with a lifetime worth of couches to surf. Also, showing up is the only way to get in sometimes. I have seen dozens of people get last minute spots just by taking the chance and showing up an event. I have also heard dozens of people talk about how good they would do in an event and never show up. Which one would you rather be?

Logo fwt

If you are want to ski with and compete against the best freeskiers in the world make this the season that you start! Register Now!

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