Little Cottonwood Canyon, UT, Opening Times for April 8, 2023

Julia Schneemann | | Post Tag for Industry NewsIndustry News
The State Route 210 at Little Cottonwood Canyon will have very limited opening times this Easter weekend. Please read carefully and check regularly for updates before traveling. | Picture: Utah Department of Transportation Twitter Page

Based on highly unusual weather and avalanche activity above State Route 210 at Little Cottonwood Canyon, UT, Utah Department of Transportation (‘UDOT’) is advising that the road will open on Saturday, April 8, 2023, for Downhill traffic from 5 a.m. – 9 a.m. and for Uphill traffic from 7 a.m. – 9 a.m. only.

Parking at Snowbird and Alta remains available, but will be extremely limited at Snowbird due to snow and avalanche hazard.

State Route 210 will be closed to all travel from 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. If you are planning to come to Alta or Snowbird on Saturday, you will need to plan to stay all day and you need to be prepared for the possibility that you may not be able to leave, as conditions change constantly. UDOT is planning to open State Route 210 from 7 p.m. for a small window to allow for Downhill travel, but this will depend on prevailing conditions.

Please monitor Twitter or UDOT Website for updates on opening times for State Route 210. | Picture: Utah Department of Transportation Twitter Page

Please also note that parking restrictions are in place at Snowbird. All parking lots will be free, first-come first-served through Saturday. Parking is only permitted at: Main Lot, Wilbere Hill, Lower Gad Valley Lot, Batch Plant Lot, Pond Lot and the Cliff Lodge Parking Structure. All other lots are closed. Due to the extremely limited nature of parking for tomorrow, all existing reservations will be cancelled and automatically refunded.

The Alta Shuttle will be running from The Cliff Lodge Portico to Alta’s two parking lots. The White Pine parking lot will be closed. Parking reservations are still required at Alta. If you have a paid parking reservation for Saturday and are unable to make it to Alta, the resort will automatically refund your payment. 

Road information for Sunday, April 9, 2023, is not available yet, so please monitor UDOT website or Twitter regularly for updates. Please note that all Easter festivities have been cancelled.

Conditions warrant extreme caution as deep snowpack & rising temperatures culminate to be one of the most unpredictable avalanche scenarios. Please check @UDOTavy for updates for updates on avalanche mitigation measures.

Utah Avalanche Center lists the region as being in considerable avalanche danger, and many backcountry areas are subject to closure for avalanche mitigation measures. Little Cottonwood Canyon Full North Side will be closed on April 8, 2023, from 7:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. from Gate B to Grizzly. Please monitor all closures on @UACwasatch and @utavyUDOT uses explosives and artillery to trigger avalanches that threaten public roads, so please respect closures and steer clear of the area.

Monitor either UDOT website or social media for updates on closed areas. | Picture: UDOT Cottonwood Twitter Account

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