Largest UK Ski Operator Cancels All Trips Until March

Liam Abbott |
Whenever you have to ski, you always have to wait. Image courtesy of Ski Zenit’s Facebook.

Crystal Ski Holidays, the largest ski operator in the United Kingdom, has announced that it will be canceling all ski trips up until March 5. This news comes after many countries around the world have increased or extended travel restrictions and ski closures due to rising Covid-19 case levels and fears of new virus variants.

On the Crystal Ski Holidays website, they say in their latest update that:

“We’re sorry to confirm that due to the impact of COVID-19 and the restrictions now in place, we can’t operate our holidays to Andorra, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Finland, France, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, or the USA for departures up to and including 5 March 2021.”

Even if you wanted to go on a ski trip by yourself to many of the countries listed above, many would require you to quarantine upon arrival for two weeks, making traveling significantly more expensive, longer, and more difficult.

With this news, many people are starting to ask if there will be a ski season for people in the UK at all this year. Regardless of the vaccine rollout taking place, many countries are still in the midst of trying to take control of the pandemic, and opening up and encouraging international vacation travel is their last priority.

Unfortunately, with this latest news, many may want to look beyond this year and into the next ski season when trying to find an opportunity to hit the slopes. Still, as this virus has shown us time and time again, no one knows what is to come, and this pandemic may be around a lot longer than you think.

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