Lake Tahoe Trashed Over 4th of July Weekend | 7,738 Cigarettes Picked Up on Beaches

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4th of July was rowdy in Lake Tahoe this year, as per usual.

The beaches got trashed by visitors, as per usual.

The League to Save Lake Tahoe organized 330 volunteers to clean up 4.5 miles of 9 different beaches on Tuesday:  Kiva/Taylor Beach, Tallac Historic Site, Regan Beach, El Dorado Beach, Timber Cove, Nevada Beach, Zephyr Shoals, Kings Beach, and Commons Beach.

Trash this? No, please.
Trash this? No, please.

They gathered 1,596 pounds of trash, including 7,738 cigarette butts. 

“We are continuing to collect data on the trash we can collect to inform our advocacy to support solutions.  For example, in the last two years, we have identified hot spots where cigarette butt litter is a major problem. We will be partnering with local business leaders to install cigarette butt canisters at key locations around the Basin.” – Jesse Patterson, the League to Save Lake Tahoe deputy director

After 4th of July 2015, volunteers picked up 1,870-pounds of trash.

Lets do better by Lake Tahoe and all pack out our own trash next 4th of July.

4th of July at Lake Tahoe.
4th of July at Lake Tahoe.

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3 thoughts on “Lake Tahoe Trashed Over 4th of July Weekend | 7,738 Cigarettes Picked Up on Beaches

  1. Cigarette smokers seem to be the most thoughtless litterbugs, doesn’t seem to matter to them where they throw the butts, I swear if you looked carefully enough you’d find some on the summit of Everest.

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