Professional skier Kai Jones and mountain guide Zahan Billimoria urge the Federal Reserve to stop financing climate change.
Since the Paris Climate Agreement was signed in 2015, American banks like yours have funneled $1.2 trillion into fossil fuel development, which is actively destroying our outdoor playgrounds, claims the YouTube caption.
This August, Kai, and Z climbed Teewinot Mountain in Grand Teton National Park to spread a banner on its summit and call on the Federal Reserve to stop the money pipeline to fossil fuels.
Typical, hypocritical, left wing cry babies.
Protest the Fed… What the flip?
Do they even understand what the Fed does?
LOL they don’t teach that in liberal art degrees.
*Athletes use their platform and influence to try to push clean energy legislation* Mouth breathing trolls-“Oh so they like helicopters but dont like climate change, cry me a river!!!”