After a large storm followed by warm weather, an inbounds avalanche in Antillanca Ski Area almost took out a lift tower. The slide likely occurred during the first warmup on September 29th after a storm from September 26th – 28th.
Antillanca is a small, locals ski hill, about 100km from the city of Osorno in Chile. It is unknown if the slide was intentionally triggered by avalanche control work or released naturally. The slope aspect was SE. Upon inspection it looked like the avalanche started as a small wind slab underneath a cornice. As the slide continued downslope to warmer and wetter snow, it dropped into deeper layers. There were 3 distinct slabs the deepest being near the ground.
Anytime a slide comes in contact with a lift tower it is noteworthy. Luckily this slide was not too deep and did no damage.