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The Fox and the Hounds: The Red Bull Fox Hunt took place recently in Rostrevor, Ireland. Two-time World Champion, Gee Atherton, played the role of the ‘fox’ chased by 400 hungry ‘hounds.’ First man to the bottom of this challenging 3.5 mile downhill course is crowned the winner. In a hard-charging race to the bottom, Atherton bested 399 of the riders to finish second in the race. First place went to Colin Ross, achieving an impressive three year run on the title of Red Bull Fox Hunt Champion.
“Congratulations to Colin on a fantastic win. It was a really cool course and the track was amazing – much faster than last time round. I was really impressed by the standard of participants, with some really good riders making it one tough competition!”
“Only Gee Athernton would have Cameras on him only facing backwards when riding with other people”
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