Falls Creek Ski Resort in Australia had amazing winter season this year with a lot of snowfall and powder!
Normally, Falls Creek has a snow depth of around 70cms in the end of September.
This year, Falls Creek had nearly twice that with 130cms at the end of September!
And it won’t stop! It was still snowing at Falls Creek as recently as October 11th (see photo below).
- The Falls Creek Alpine Resort is an alpine ski resort in the Hume region in northeastern Victoria, Australia.
- The resort lies between an elevation of 1,210 and 1,830 m (3,970 and 6,004 ft) above sea level, with the highest lifted point at 1,780 m (5,840 ft).
- Skiing is possible on the nearby peak of Mount McKay at 1,842 m (6,043 ft), accessed by snowcat from the resort.
- Falls Creek is located in the Alpine National Park in the Victorian Alps, approximately 350 kilometres (220 miles) by road from Melbourne, with the nearest town Mount Beauty, approximately 30 km (20 mi) away.
So, if you didn’t buy your season pass yet, here is something to think about:
Hero Pass – The Best Value Pass For Victoria’s Two Best Resorts.
The Hero Pass is still the only two mountain pass in Australia, valid every day of the 2017 season, with unlimited skiing and snowboarding at Falls Creek and Hotham, Victoria’s largest and highest resorts.
The Hero Pass price is frozen from last season, and this early bird price on the Hero Pass will be the best value skiing and snowboarding resort offers in 2017:
- $749 for adults
- $429 for kids under 18 and seniors 65+
You can secure your 2017 Hero Pass by Monday (17 October 2016) with a deposit of just $99 for adults ($49 for kids and seniors 65+), with nothing more to pay until the end of April 2017.
[iframe id=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FFallsAustralia%2Fvideos%2F1232328660132177%2F&show_text=0&width=560″]
video of Falls Creek on July 13th, 2016.
You don’t need to worry about the snow at Falls Creek! 🙂
Are you still in doubts? Hurry up! Winter season 2016-2017 will come faster than you think!