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After a two year break, professional freeskier Eric Hjorleifson (Hoji) returned to Matchstick Productions last year to film RUIN AND ROSE. This powder-fest film is based on footage from three excursions starting with Golden Alpine Holidays, on to Revelstoke, and finished with some admirable shots at Whistler Blackcomb. Hoji’s impressive on-snow style is smooth, smart and executed with enviable ease. Enjoy the show.
If you were to stack Eric Hjorleifson’s MSP segments together from over a decade of filming, you would easily have one of the most remarkable performances in the history of ski films. And yet, he isn’t slowing down whatsoever, as this edit from his 2016 season with MSP shows.
What’s better than watching Hoji pinning it for almost 7 minutes? Not a whole heck of a lot.Scott Gaffney
Famous for his mad skills stomping pillow lines, jumping from one deep-powered covered rock to the next, Hoji floats down the rock face effortlessly.
“Pillow lines require a lot of thought to ski well because you have to try and estimate how fast you need to go, how to safely stomp the landing, where to land on the next pillow, and ski the whole line smoothly.”
Eric Hjorleifson