A striking lack of snow has caused Las Leñas, Argentina to announce a closing date of September 7th, 2019.
Las Lenas generally plans to stay open until at least October 1st or later.
Las Lenas was also forced close early on September 8th in 2018 due to a lack of snow.
The Central Andes of South America have been experiencing a drought for the past 10-years.
Many Central Andean ski resorts are closing early or never opened at all this year due to lack of snow.
- Los Puqios, Argentina closed on July 22nd
- La Parva, Chile closed September 1st
- El Colorado, Chile will close Sept 8th
- La Arpa, Chile never opened this year
- Los Penitentes, Argentina never opened this year
The Southern Andes are having a solid snow year this year.
These ski resorts in the south are experiencing strong snowpacks currently:
- Cerro Catedral, Argentina
- Cerro Castor, Argentina
- Cerro Bayo, Argentina
- Chapelco, Argentina
- La Hoya, Argentina
- Nevados de Chillan, Chile
- Corralco, Chile