The Cycle Continues in Jackson Hole

Cooper Kahlenberg | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report
Tim Swartz grabbing lift service POW! PC: Patrick Nelson

Just when it looks as if spring is setting in, Jackson gets another system bringing heavy snow to the area, leaving nothing but smiles on skier and riders faces, and giving a great refresh to one of the best snowpacks in the country!

2 storms over the week make pow stashes easy to find. PC: Patrick Nelson

Last week saw a system come through bringing heavy snow and double digit numbers on the snow report. Obviously the goods were easy to find and widespread. The base in Jackson has been getting attention all season due to the serve lack of snow at other resorts all over the country, although it has remained only slightly above average compared to normal years. After this last storm I would say that base depths are GAME ON! Things have really shaped up and big lines are getting filled in.

The day after the storm Tim Swartz finding the goods PC: Patrick Nelson

It wasn’t all pow turns. Over the week and between the systems that came through, there were warm temps and even the dreaded “R” word. It made for some fun spring conditions at lower elevations, but thankfully it did not last too long. The higher elevations stayed cold and with bluebird skies the alpine was the place to be.

Rob Kingwill looking over the options on Cody Peak

The forecast is once again looking good!! Snow is expected to roll back in over the weekend for the holiday crowds. Temps look to start relatively warm during the next system and finish out much colder, so as long as the moisture comes, it looking like an idea storm added to a base that is still soft for the last.


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Sitting pretty


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Dry, Storm, Dry, Storm, it just keeps coming back here in Jackson


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Loving the red blobs

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4 thoughts on “The Cycle Continues in Jackson Hole

  1. Cooper, quit it! The storm is going up slope and maybe 2 inches if we are lucky will fall on the sun effected snow. Stats are average except SWE which is above normal. If everyone came based on your post they would be using red wax and wondering where the storm went. Maybe you should post that a grizzly was seen walking on the crust near Timbered Island in the park by skate skiers 2 days ago; or remind people of the griz den above the open stream below 25 Short and Maverick. He usually comes out in late March. Just say’n.

    1. Hey Slowdawg, sorry about that. That’s my bad on the technical side. On the desktop website, everything looks fine, on the mobile website, even if you’ve corrected a photo, they appear up-side-down. It’s a bug we’re working on and should have fixed soon. thanks.

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