For those seeking some celestial entertainment, the Comet NEOWISE will be visible the naked eye for skywatchers in the Northern Latitudes of the Northern U.S. and Canada. The comet, officially called C/2020 F3, also known as (NEOWISE), is among the most widely visible comets of the 2000s and has been hanging just above the horizon before dawn in the early days of July 2020. However, the comet will begin to appear earlier in the evening sky later in the month.
The comet is mainly visible to observers at northerly latitudes in the northern U.S. and Canada. Skilled comet observers are reporting that the best method to view the comet is – once you spot it with binoculars – you can remove them and glimpse this comet as a fuzzy ball, using only the unaided eye. However, it is essential to have binoculars or other optical aid if you want to see this comet’s spectacular split tail.
Apparently those in the southern U.S. could try and glimpse the comet just before dawn. Experienced viewers suggest trying to go outside about an hour before sunrise. However, if you do not see it the first time, take a look again just before the comet begins to rise high enough into the dawn sky to be spotted. Unfortunately, especially for observers at more southerly latitudes, the comet is becoming more difficult to see in the morning sky.
Although even the most patient amateur astronomers are still waiting for another very bright comet, what astronomers call a “great comet”, or a comet that can be as bright as Venus. Earthsky has done a great report on when we might see the next great comet.