Nestled in California’s Inyo Mountains, the ghost town of Cerro Gordo is on the market for a modest $1 million. According to the ghost town’s real estate listing, this property is perfect for those looking to acquire a piece of the American West.
Cerro Gordo Details:
- Location: Lone Pine, CA
- Listing Price: $925,000
- Status: Active
- Acres: 316.970
- County: Inyo
- Property Type: Land
- Property Sub Type: Farm/Ranch
The town site has been kept in good condition with 24,000 square feet of buildings remaining. Some of the remaining buildings include a historic hotel, the Belshaw bunkhouse, hoist house, superintendents house and about 20 more. This old mining town has been preserved and held by the same owners for decades.
“The site has been extremely well protected from diggers. artifact looters and Mother Nature herself. Restoration has been undertaken on most of the buildings. and the rest are in a state of protected arrested decay.”
This ghost town is rich in history and tours are still operated through the well preserved property. Cerro Gordo, meaning “Fat Hill” was the first major mining camp in the Owens Valley. The town was the “silver thread” to Los Angeles, contributing to its growth and economic development. Pablo Flores first discovered the rich veins of silver in 1865. Word spread of the silver found here, bringing in hungry prospectors. Cerro Gordo made about $17 million from its early years to 1938.
“We would be more than happy to receive offers from any individual or group that will continue to care for this fantastic piece of history. We would really like to find buyers committed to preserving the integrity of Cerro Gordo.”- Jake Rasmuson