Brain Labs: SockGuy Cycling Socks | The Best Socks Ever

Eric Behn | Post Tag for CycleCycle

When it comes to selection, SockGuy has it down. With over 150 sock graphics, multiple styles and even a unicorn or two, They have a sock for everyone. We had a chance to wear a few different pairs of socks over this summer season while riding all sorts of trails, and boy did we love them!


SockGuy cycling socks are designed specifically for riding your bike. They provide good ventilation to keep your feet from overheating and are strengthened in places which receive more movement while riding. These socks are meant to be the most comfortable of any when cycling, and they don’t look half bad either. SockGuy also provides a customer sock program which many cycling companies use to provide promotional items. We picked a few pairs up from different expo’s and launches.

SockGuy has a ton of great graphics options.

Materials and Procedure:

We probably put over 100 laps on each pair of these socks in the Whistler Mountain Bike Park. We pedalled up steep 30% grades and descended on hardtails. Simply put, we got out to ride; in any and every condition and cycle genre. We tested a handful of different models, including wool socks and half and full length socks.

The shorter 3″ cycling socks.


  • Two size options: S/M, L/XL
  • What seems to be infinite graphics options
  • 6 Cuff height options from “No Show” to the knee
  • TURBOwool made of 50% polypropylene and 50% merino wool
  • MSRP $10.95 and up
Custom offerings by SockGuy like these Yakima branded socks.


When it comes to SockGuy, there are two factors to consider, feel, and fashion. We found these socks to feel great, and look great too. They never got saturated in sweat or water keep the feet comfortable. They also seems fairly strong throughout the season, they didn’t show many signs of wear, but a pair we had kicking around since last season finally saw its end this year. Cycling socks do wear out, but if you’re lucky you’ll get at least a good season out of them. From a retail perspective, we found these socks to sell very well. Everyone likes a fun or ironic sock, and SockGuy has a lot. We had fun riding around with our Unicorn socks getting laughs and high-fives.

The wool socks are a personal favourite. The are a little thicker and sturdy, and keep your feet temperature regulated; warm on the cold foggy days in the Garbanzo Zone and nice and fresh on the hot dry days as well. The wool socks can be used right into the winter and will be nice and cozy even on the cold mornings.

In terms of fit, the socks all feature the Stretch-To-Fit™ and Easy-Fit™ systems which hold them nicely to your foot as long as you get the right size (theres only two, it’s hard to do it wrong). Cuff length is another thing to consider. As mountain bikers, we preferred the longer 6″ cuff as it provides a little more protection from flying rocks or vegetation which might catch the ankle or lower calf.

Our favourite, the TURBOwool Sasquatch socks. So comfy.


We enjoyed our SockGuy socks all season long. We found them comfortable and a good fit, the two most important aspects to a sock. These socks keep us coming back to the idea that cycling is all about having fun. For about $25 you can pick up a couple pairs of socks with your favourite graphics and have some good socks to wear for your cycling season. If we were to pick a one sock, it would be the 6″ cuff TURBOwool sock which is good all year around and feels great inside the shoe, in fact, I’m wearing a pair right now as I type.

Go out and get your favourite pair!


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