Report from August 9, 2023
Yesterday started with driving rain & howling wind at Cerro Catedral ski resort in Bariloche, Argentina.
I stayed in bed…
Then I saw the sun pop out a bit.
I geared up and headed out for a look.
The weather turned darn right nice.
Warm, light wind, and sunshine.
I ran into Agos and Fran and we went straight for Nubes (the highest chair) once we saw it was open.
The entire mountain was soft from the rain.
You could ski anything with full confidence.
The wind was hitting the mountain at an odd angle closing most the upper mountain lifts but not Nubes.
We cranked lap after lap in fun spring snow until the clouds rolled back in and made the visibility tough.
After that I started skiing park laps with Mikey and the Jibbin’ crew.
It was fun watching Mikey go off and even I threw a couple of small 360s.
Yesterday really proved that you just gotta get up there every day you can and have a look because you never know what you’re gonna get.
Especially down here…
Yesterday ended up being the best day of the week with no lift lines.
Thanks, Patagonia!