On Tuesday, March 5th a massive avalanche was unleashed above the small town of Sunndal, Norway. Gunn Gravem Isaksen, a 48-year-old shop manager living in the area of Furugrenda was quick to recognize the avalanche and take action.
Once she realized what was going on she rushed to her porch to start recording. Isaksen stated that although the video looks very threatening the most important component of the ordeal was that nobody was injured.
As a reason for her composure, Isaksen stated
“We’re used to avalanches here, but this one was huge; no one was in danger at any moment; we (in the town) were not threatened.”
With Norway’s mountainous topography and steep narrow Fjord valleys, avalanches are common. In the past, some avalanches have caused significant damage throughout Norweigan towns. In 2015, several houses were destroyed by a similar avalanche that impacted a town directly avalanche-smashes-houses-kills-one
Luckily, the avalanche from March 5th was only a threatening visual of the raw power of nature.