Oil Spill Quickly Becoming a Marine Calamity in Mauritius A ship is currently spilling oil just off the coast of Mauritius, causing a marine calamity. The Japanese tanker MV Wakashio ran aground on July 25 but did not immediately start leaking. On August 6, oil began to seep from the ship through large cracks that formed in the hull. As crews pumped oil out of the ship over 1,000 […] Alex Camerino | August 18, 2020 0 Comments
The Civilian Conservation Corps: Opening America’s Wilderness The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) opened America’s wilderness and put millions of men to work. During the Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt created the CCC as part of the New Deal. The projects were largely environmental based and made the outdoors much more accessible for recreating. The Corps existed from 1933 to 1942, employing over 3 million young men during […] Brains Alex Camerino | August 14, 2020 1 Comment
Thwaites Glacier: The World’s Most Consequential Ice [arve url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRUxTFWWWdY"] Alex Camerino | August 14, 2020 Likes Tweets 0 Comments
Farmer’s Almanac: Will This Winter Be Harsh? Will the upcoming winter be a great ski season? These days we always run to the internet for our answers, but what did people do just a few decades ago? Farmer’s Almanac is a classic go-to book for all your seasonal questions. First published in 1818, the Almanac has plenty of tips for how to have a great garden and […] Alex Camerino | August 13, 2020 0 Comments
Running Duo Break Colorado’s Famed 4-Minute Mile Barrier A pair of runners recently broke the famed 4-minute mile barrier in Colorado. Olli Hoare and Joe Klecker ran 3:56.8 and 3:48.4 respectively during an intrasquad certified time trial on August 3, 2020. They are the first two people to ever break the 4-minute mile barrier in the state. Due to the state’s altitude runners tend to be significantly slower when […] Alex Camerino | August 10, 2020 0 Comments
Hurricane Hunters: A Suicide Mission For Knowledge? Most pilots try to avoid flying through any sort of weather, but the Hurricane Hunters fly through hurricanes in the name of science. The concept originated with Capt. W. L. Farnsworth in the early 1930s and was subsequently signed into law as the “storm patrol bill” in 1936. However, the first hurricane warning service dates back to the early 1870s. […] Alex Camerino | August 7, 2020 0 Comments
How Ocean Warming is Impacting The 2020 Hurricane Season A marine heatwave is currently sweeping through the Atlantic ocean which will likely intensify this year’s hurricane season. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution reports that the water off the New England coast is 3-4˚F warmer than normal this summer. Related: Hurricane Hunters: A Suicide Mission For Knowledge? Typically, off New England’s shores, there is a thin layer of warm water sitting […] Brains Alex Camerino | August 7, 2020 0 Comments
VIDEO: Lightning Strikes Building in China Check out this video of a building getting hit by lightning! It is unclear exactly what happened, but it is clear that being outside during this incident was a bad idea. Those sparks showering the ground are most likely parts of the ground wire flaking off from the extreme heat produced. Related: ‘Megaflashes’ | New World Records Set for Longest […] Alex Camerino | August 6, 2020 0 Comments