5 year-old Snowboarder Terje LaMont, or The Next Terje Haakonsen

Spencer Miller |

Meet Terje LaMont.  He’s only five years old, but still managed to get 120 days of riding in last season between a bustling schedule of pre-school and karate.  Watch the the Utah native’s past season edit, as he drops 3’s, hucks a cliff, and throws slashes three times his size, all with the biggest grin on his face.

Terje currently competes in slopestyle and half-pipe events, winning 4 golds, 3 silvers, and 2 bronzes and finishing first in his USASA region last winter.  But traveling to compete can get a little pricey when your sponsored only by your parents, so click the link to his gofundme here to help little Terje keep on shredding.  Or maybe Burton should drop that older guy with the same name from their roster and pick up the new-and-improved version.  Keep your eye on this kid, although I’m sure we’ll hear of him again soon.


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