2016/17 California Ski Resort Opening Dates:

Dylan Cautela |
Map of California ski resorts.
Map of California ski resorts.

Leaves are falling and snow is flying which means it’s that time of year to begin speculation of opening dates for ski resorts. The dates from each resort are based upon numerous factors including Fall weather and jet stream track forecasts, historical opening dates, and climatology specific to each resort. We look forward to begin sliding down snow in magnificent ways but must keep in mind that weather trumps all and these dates could very well be postponed.

Squaw Valley. photo: staging.snowbrains.com
Squaw Valley. photo: staging.snowbrains.com

2016 California Ski Resort Opening Dates


Hopefully we’ll get lucky and the snow gods deliver some early season goods to make these dates even earlier.

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2 thoughts on “2016/17 California Ski Resort Opening Dates:

    1. Mt. Rose is technically located in the state of Nevada, although understandable why you would mistake that as they are right in the Lake Tahoe area. But the opening day listed on their website is Oct. 31st.

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