Ouray, Colorado – The Ouray Ice Park provides world-renowned ice climbing from December through March. Recently, a major piece of infrastructure that helps climbers access the ice and helps feed sprinklers was hit with an unexpected 12,000-pounds of rockfall.
The rockfall hit an area known as the Trestle, which helps access major parts of the park, including the School Room. The rockfall also destroyed a large section of the park’s water supply line that feeds the sprinklers for ice farming. Approximately 70% of the park’s ice farming infrastructure is no longer useable.
The Ouray Ice Park is a non-profit and does not have funding to repair the damage. They have set up a GoFundMe to aid in repairs. The Ouray Ice Park is the heart of the Ouray Winter economy. To support this, they will have to begin repairs as soon as possible to be prepared for the 2022 ice season.
The Park hosts the famous Ouray Ice Festival and Competition every January. The festival brings the best ice climbers in the world to compete, vendors, ice-climbing clinics, and more.