According to BBC, President Trump has declared that he will shrink two National Monuments in Utah. He plans to cut 85% of the state’s 1.3 million acre Bears Ears National Monument and 50% of the 1.9 million acre Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.
“Some people think the natural resources of Utah should be controlled by a small handful of very distant bureaucrats located in Washington. And guess what, they’re wrong,” stated Mr. Trump stated while speaking at the Capitol Building in Salt Lake City, UT.
In response to his actions, Native American Tribes and Environmental Agencies are planning to file a lawsuit to reverse his decision. The action is expected to be welcomed by ranchers and entrepreneurs that have their eyes on such rich land.
“I’ve come to Utah to take a very historic action, to reverse federal over-reach and to restore the rights of this land to your citizens,” stated Mr. Trump.
During President Trump’s visit to Utah, White House Officials reported that he wasn’t planning to visit either of the National Monuments. On Saturday, thousands of protesters gathered in Salt Lake City to show their opposition to this decision.
1. Leave politics out of snow brains.
2. They weren’t even officially monuments yet, Just Obama Over reach of Fed power pushing around states.
3. States rights FTW; let them choose if they want to preserve more.
TRUMP IS AN ASS!!!!!!!!!
1) It is Monuments, not Parks.
2) Can’t ski there anyway
3) Skiing, not Politics please.