Friday Fun: Trained Grizzly Bear Hula Hoops | Only in Russia…

SnowBrains |

This video is amazing to watch.  You kinda feel bad for the Grizzly Bear, but maybe he likes this life.

Regardless, this Grizzly Bear is special.  He can play a horn while marching, he can set up and sit in a chair, he can hula-hoop, he can walk upright, he comes when he’s called, he does somersaults, he safely hangs out with dogs and humans, he can jump and clap, he’s basically the wonder bear.

The only confusing part is how the trainer begins the video introducing himself in Spanish before they both slip back into Russian.  In the intro he says:

“Hello, my name is _____.  This is my bear.”

That’s all the info we get.

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